I’m a Pom in Oz. I moved from the UK with my husband and daughter around eight years ago because it seemed the perfect place to be for someone who doesn’t like the sea or sand and who (being a ranga) gets very easily sunburnt. I’m now officially an Aussie (Aussie, Aussie oi, oi, oi) and multi-lingual, speaking fluent Australian and Yorkshire.
If you are wondering how often I go ‘back home,’ the answer is I don’t 🙈. I’m not a massive fan of flying, and having spent a solid two weeks crying, hugging, and saying bye to people before our voyage to the other side of the world, I have no desire to do it again anytime in a hurry.
I don’t eat four-legged animals (this includes animals that started life with all four legs, so no, I don’t eat three-legged anything). Besides the fact they are super cute (I appreciate that ducks are too, but I eat very few of those, so don’t feel too bad). I grew up with a vegetarian Dad who, rather annoyingly, turned full vegan the year I got married (because it wasn’t already hard enough to think of something to feed him at the wedding 🙄). He isn’t to blame as he’s pretty cool, so he never pushed his opinions onto us kids and never had a problem cooking us meat. However, one fateful day aged 14, I was watching a doco on tv (I told you I was fluent in Australian) showing the slaughtering of lambs, and that was me OUT. I stopped eating all animals for two years before returning to feathered and finned friends. I dabbled in full-on vegetarianism again a couple of years ago but got sick of making several meals daily.
I was a Legal Executive (Lawyer) and had been qualified for 11 years before hanging up my briefcase and moving here. I fell out of love with the industry long before I jacked it in and despite grumbles of ‘what a waste’ from some people, I have never regretted giving it up. Arguing with people all day sucks the life out of you 😣.
After arriving on these shores, I started working in the building industry, and it was there that I realised I wanted a career that made me jump out of bed each morning. This epiphany resulted from having a couple of great bosses, one who lived and breathed his job. He was so passionate about what he did, and what he didn’t know (about building) wasn’t worth knowing. I didn’t feel that way and knew it was time to follow my passion for health and fitness. So now I’m poor but happy, c'est la vie!
I’m a big fan of bunny rabbits and will fight anyone (figuratively, not literally, I’m pretty small) who says they are not a ‘proper’ pet like a cat or dog. If they’re not ‘proper’ pets, why do they run around your feet at feeding time and when excited? If they’re not ‘proper’ pets, why do they jump up and snuggle on the sofa with you? If they’re not ‘proper’ pets, why do they throw stuff around when they don’t get what they want, chew your shoes, beg for food, and try every single day to break through the baby gate because they want to get into forbidden areas so they can do the shoe chewing? Maybe that’s just mine 🤷♀️
We currently have two, Benjamin, aka naughty wabbit, and Luna, aka little wabbit. They are house bunnies who live (mostly) happily together as husbun and wife. Once upon a time, there was Winnie (named after Winnie the Pooh), Tigger (Winnie the Pooh’s friend), Floppy, and Button, but they have made their way across the 🌈 bridge and are now binky free.
I wrote a book called Measured in Friends (ooh, shameless plug), which (should you desire) you can find it on Amazon under my maiden name, Frankie Williamson.
The savvy amongst you will have realised you got waaaay more than five things there, and you are welcome!